Tuesday, April 15, 2008

No More Snoring...

Regan did very well with his tonsil/adenoids surgery. He didn't even know he had anything done when he came out of recovery. When he woke up he asked the nurses, “Can we take my tonsilles out please?”

We were a little nervous going into the surgery. Only because we heard story after story about friends or their kids struggling with the recovery. Not being able to swallow without pain, being nauseous from the medicine, or struggling to get their kids to even take the medicine. All of the nerves were for not. Regan took it like a champ. He came home begging to eat food right away. He even stole a piece of Sarah’s chicken from her chicken salad without us looking. He already popped it into his mouth before were could do anything. We just warned him to chew it up really good and braced ourselves for the aftermath, but there was nothing. He never had any trouble eating and constantly asked to eat things like chips, crunchy cereals, etc. We had to keep telling him no and suggesting softer, more gentle foods.

We heard about kids wanting to stay in bed and sleep the whole week of surgery; not Regan. He was up running around chasing his brothers and having fun the second he got home. We would force him to lay/sit down and relax. He would just pout until he could get up and play again.

After the procedure, the doctor told us Regan’s adenoids were blocking 50% and his tonsilles were also blocking 50%. For weeks/months the poor boys was struggling to breathe at night. He was peeling the paint off the walls with his snoring and he was constantly coughing, trying to clear his airway. We could hear his snoring from nearly any part of the house (he must have inherited that from his Grandpa Topham). Now he is so quiet I have to check if he is even breathing at all. He sleeps so peacefully now. We are lucky to have a great kid with an amazing ability to recover. He is our little Superman. Nothing keeps him down.


1 comment:

Aaron Hillgrove said...

They must have had some advances in medicine over the last 20+ years because my tonsils and adnoids coming out sucked loads of poop.